Full release of PixAdvent grasslands this week

Exciting times ahead for this week as my PixAdvent Grasslands tileset and sprite pack is going to get a full release to go alongside the free basic pack.

The full pack will feature animated environments and props to breathe life into your game’s world. The set will be expanded from the basic pack to include:

  •  a full sprite sheet of trees of different shapes and colours
  •  a sheet just for fencing, bridges and staircases to add decoration and practicality to your environments
  • A sheet of grassland props and water props including animated flowers and bobbing Lilly pads
  • Expanded terrain sets with animated long grass, deep water and shallow water tiles with some fishy additions

Animated shallow water with a few fish

The full pack will also expanded further at a later date  with a set of animated character sprites to really get you started on your top-down adventure.

In preparation for the update I have made a small change to the basic pack to include the redesigned waterfall sprites to match what is coming in the full pack.

get the basic pack now to try out the PixAdvent look in your top-down adventures


PixAdvent-Grasslands-Basic-v1.1.zip 370 kB
47 days ago

Get PixAdvent: Top-Down Grasslands Sprite Pack

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